Life Sciences in Space Research

Stem cells are the body’s repair units. If we can achieve success even in the extreme conditions of space, where the environment is more challenging, in promoting the prosperity and growth of stem cells(which was NASA’s interest in the innovation), this means that on Earth, where conditions are more favorable, the impact on your body and our ability to accelerate stem cells growth to manage the inflammation is even greater. This is one of the factors that can help achieve remission.

COVID-19 Research (2022)

Remarkable outcomes have been documented in a renowned scientific journal (ClinicalTrial), summarizing a clinical trial conducted by the company with patients affected by COVID-19. The findings are definitive: patients experienced swift recovery and there was a significant prevention of clinical deterioration, reducing the necessity for intensive care admissions and the risk of mortality. The trial aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of administering amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) in various formulations. The investigational drug was named Amor18 and was assessed as a potential treatment for hospitalized COVID-19 patients with moderate to severe symptoms. Amor18 was administered using a dual approach of sublingual powder and inhalation therapy. The results were promising: all patients receiving Amor18’s amorphous calcium carbonate formulation recovered and were subsequently discharged within days. None of the patients treated with amorphous calcium carbonate required intensive care or succumbed to the illness.

This is in stark contrast to a control group of 30 patients who were administered a placebo, among whom 7 required intensive care and 3 passed away

August 2023: Breakthrough in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Research with Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC)

Significant advancements in embryo development have been achieved through the use of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC). Amorphical, in collaboration with leading scientists in the field of fertilization, has conducted extensive research over the past seven years. The compelling findings from these studies have been recently published in the acclaimed American scientific journal JARG. The editor highlighted the work of Professor Amir Arab, who led the research efforts, with an enthusiastic remark: “The results are exciting!” The publication details rigorous experimentation on over 2,200 embryos cultivated in various growth mediums provided by top industry companies. By integrating ACC into these commercial media, researchers observed notable enhancements in the embryos’ growth rate, quality, and the proportion reaching the crucial developmental stage of hatched blastocysts ready for uterine implantation.

These findings suggest a promising increase in IVF success rates, leading to more successful pregnancies. Consequently, this could reduce the emotional and physical toll on prospective mothers and result in significant healthcare cost savings related to treatments and hospital stays.

Cancer Research Insights (July 2023)

Amorphical has dedicated the last eight years to conducting an extensive series of pre-clinical and in vitro studies targeting various cancer types. These studies have been undertaken in Amorphical’s own laboratories as well as through partnerships with leading research institutions and hospitals in Israel and internationally. The promising outcomes of these research efforts have culminated in a scholarly article that has been accepted for publication in the forthcoming journal “Cancers” by MDPI. This particular study focuses on lung cancer and substantiates the efficacy of amorphous nano-minerals in its treatment. Detailed within the article is a series of experiments involving lung cancer cells, both murine and human, that were engrafted into mice. The treatment groups receiving amorphous calcium carbonate showcased significant results compared to the control groups.

Pioneering Research Indicates Performance Enhancement in Female Athletes (January 2023)

A groundbreaking study conducted by Tel Hai College has revealed performance enhancements among female athletes, tracing back to a novel development by the Israeli firm Amorphical. The collaborative effort involved the Olympic team’s dietitian, a physiologist from Tel Hai University, and Jordan Ovadia, a student from the Faculty of Nutritional Sciences at Tel Hai College. Over a period of nine weeks, they engaged in a controlled investigation with female gym-goers, which included a placebo group for comparison. The results were decisive, showing a marked improvement in the group of female athletes who incorporated pH Sport into their regimen.

2011 Study Highlights Nanotechnology’s Role in Boosting Calcium Absorption

Researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) have pioneered a groundbreaking technology that enhances the stabilization of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC). This stabilized ACC is demonstrated to be significantly more biologically absorbable and retainable than other forms of calcium currently utilized in dietary supplements. This innovation was featured in the scientific outlets “Nanotech Now” and “Science Daily.”

The inspiration for this technology comes from freshwater crustaceans, which efficiently stabilize this form of mineral to effectively store and rapidly mobilize calcium when needed. Emulating the crustaceans’ natural mechanism, BGU’s team assessed the synthetic ACC’s efficacy against conventional calcium supplements through animal testing. The findings revealed that the synthetic ACC compound led to absorption and retention rates that were up to 40 percent higher in the bloodstream and 30 percent greater in bone density compared to other calcium sources. Such marked enhancement in calcium uptake could potentially lower the necessary dosage of supplements, diminish adverse effects, and improve patient adherence.

Clinical Study Confirms: Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) Exhibits Double the Absorption Rate of Crystalline Calcium Carbonate (CCC)

A meticulously designed double-blind, randomized, cross-over study has established the superior bioavailability of the amorphous calcium supplement DENSITY compared to traditional crystalline calcium carbonate (CCC). The research focused on 15 menopausal women, selected based on their lack of significant medical conditions and sufficient vitamin D levels. The study utilized the Dual Stable Isotope technique, a state-of-the-art scientific method that tracks the supplements’ calcium isotopes for maximum precision within the participants’ bodies.

Key findings revealed that amorphous calcium’s absorption in the intestine is twice as efficient as that of CCC when ingested post-meal. Additionally, a notable case within the study showed an increase in intestinal calcium absorption by 4.6 times after the administration of amorphous calcium on an empty stomach, in contrast to CCC.

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