
Shipping Information for inflammation global care (IGC)

IGC is proud to offer international shipping to both Europe and the United States.

Our goal is to deliver your order as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Shipping to Europe:

  • Standard Shipping: Delivery times vary and are not guaranteed, but we aim to have your products reach you within the standard delivery window for your region.
  • Cost: A fixed rate of 26 EUR applies to all orders.
  • Tracking: Once your order is dispatched, you’ll receive a shipment number. You can track the progress of your delivery via the Israel Post website, with a direct link provided for your convenience.

Shipping to the United States:

  • Standard Shipping: While delivery times can vary, we endeavor to meet the expected delivery schedule.
  • Cost: Free.
  • Tracking: A shipment number will be provided, and you can monitor your order’s journey through the Israel Post website’s tracking service.

General Shipping Terms:

  • Orders are processed and shipped on business days only (Sunday to Thursday, excluding major holidays).
  • IGC is not responsible for delays in shipping or delivery due to force majeure or other uncontrollable events.
  • For all shipped orders, payment of any applicable customs fees, import duties, and taxes is the responsibility of the customer.

For more information or assistance with your shipping needs, please contact our customer service team via the “Contact Us” section on the website.

Our recommendation for first time users:

If you are a new customer, your satisfaction and positive results are our top priority.

This is why we recommend starting with three packages for your initial trial. Typically, you can expect to notice improvements within 3 to 4 weeks of regular use.

Should the product not meet your expectations or fail to deliver results, we offer a money-back guarantee on each unopened package